TecCOM - Profession of Technical Communication

Technology and Media

Information technology

Students must know hardware and software used in technical communication.

Relevant when performing technical communication tasks in practice.

This discipline deals with core technology that is used in technical communication.

Media and formats
  • Understand types of media that are inherently representational (e.g., text, image, graphic, 3D model, film, audio) or inherently interactive (e.g., hypertext, interactive image, interactive graphic, interactive 3D model, interactive film, animation, simulation)
  • Know data exchange possibilities (e.g., transformation, automation)
  • Know storage and output formats for content (e.g., PDF, HTML5, EPUB, XML, JSON, 3D-PDF, U3D, WebGL, 3D-XML, MPEG4, MPEG3)
  • Understand restrictions imposed by media standards with regard to their use for information products and dependencies on publication media, output devices or operating systems

see also content delivery

see also content development

Technology knowledge
  • Develop requirement specifications for technology selection
  • Know technology relevant for technical communication (e.g. data analytics, 2D/3D technology, gamification)
  • Assess different technology options available
  • Define which is the most effective technology for a given environment
  • Know principles of human-machine interaction

see also content delivery

see also domain knowledge

Content creation and management tools and systems
  • Use authoring systems (e. g. for web page creation, help system creation, structured content creation)
  • Analyse and define workflows, roles and processes for content creation and management
  • Apply key features and techniques of content management systems
  • Configure CMS for special requirements
  • Know some known forms of CMS (e. g. open source, closed, proprietary)
  • Understand how to evaluate content creation tools and content management systems
  • Select the best-suited tool or system for a given environment based on a qualified evaluation
  • Use a content creation and management system efficiently

see also information management

Special purpose tools and systems
  • Know key features and techniques for a special-purpose field related to technical communication (e.g. graphics and visualisation, 2D/3D, animation and video, speech and audio, help authoring, screen recording, publishing, learning/training, translation, terminology management, localisation, project management)
  • Analyse and define workflows, roles and processes for a special-purpose field
  • Define requirements for a special-purpose field
  • Be able to use some known systems for the special-purpose field (e.g. open source, closed, proprietary)
  • Understand how to evaluate a system
  • Select the best-suited system for a given environment based on a qualified evaluation
  • Configure a system for special requirements
  • Use a system efficiently in the special-purpose field
  • Know the functions of content-editing tools
  • Use different tools for content editing

see also content development

Database principles
  • Understand database concepts and techniques
  • Design relational database
  • Use database for efficient information management
  • Know SQL key concepts

see also information management

see also domain knowledge

Programming principles
  • Develop simple scripts and programs, especially to be well-prepared for software documentation
  • Know key programming constructs (e.g. variable, control structure, class, object, method)
  • Develop style sheets (e.g. CSS, XSL)
  • Devlop simple hybrid or native app
  • Know automation methods
  • Know XML and standard markup languages (e. g. SVG, DITA, S1000D)
  • Have basic knowledge of a programming language (e. g. XSLT, XSL-FO, Javascript, PHP, Java)

see also domain knowledge

Markup languages
  • Develop simple XML languages (vocabulary, grammar)
  • Know the history, standardisation process, language scope of standard markup languages (e.g. HTML/HTML5, DITA, SVG)
  • Know key concepts of XML/SGML meta language (e.g., well-formedness, validity, document type definition (DTD), scheme)
  • Structure content according to a given markup language
  • Publish content that is tagged in a given markup language (e.g. using cascading style sheets (CSS), XSL, publishing tools)
  • Know tools for structured authoring (e.g. XML editors, XML content management and publishing systems)
  • Use a tool environment for structured authoring

see also domain knowledge

Automation methods
  • Know about automation of creation processes
  • Know about automation of publication processes

see also content delivery

Internet technology
  • Design web pages
  • Implement web pages
  • Know HTML, HTML 5
  • Know web authoring tools (e.g. Dreamweaver)
  • Know principles of cloud computing and storage
  • Apply tools for cloud computing and storage


App technology
  • Understand app design
  • Devlop simple hybrid or native app
  • Understand different app types (hybrid, web, native)
  • Know technology for app development (e.g. JQuery mobile)
  • Know mobile user experience principles (e.g. micro interactions)


Social media
  • Understand the role of social media for technical communication
  • Know social media technology
  • Apply social media for information purposes

see also evaluation and user experience


Backup and archiving
  • Understand backup purposes and techniques
  • Understand archiving tasks and techniques
  • Analyse and define workflows, roles for backup and archiving processes
  • Configure a backup system for special requirements
  • Configure an archiving system for special requirements
  • Know some known backup and archiving systems (e.g. open source, closed, proprietary)
  • Understand how to evaluate a backup or archiving system
  • Select the best-suited backup/archiving system for a given environment based on a qualified evaluation
  • Use a system for backups, archiving and retrieval

see also project management

see also information management