Project Team
Dr. Yvonne Cleary
Yvonne Cleary is a lecturer in Technical Communication, and Program Director for the MA in Technical Communication and E-Learning at the University of Limerick, Ireland. She holds an MA and a PhD in technical communication.
Her research interests include professional issues in technical communication, technical communication pedagogy, virtual teams, and international technical communication. She has presented her work at conferences in Europe and the United States and has published in leading journals in the technical communication field, including Technical Communication, Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, and IEEE Transactions in Professional Communication. She is a 2014 recipient of the CCCC Technical and Scientific Communication award for Best Article on Pedagogy or Curriculum in Technical or Scientific Communication.
Prof. Sissi Closs
Sissi Closs is professor of Information and Media Technology at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, and owner of C-Topic Consulting.
She is considered one of Germany's leading experts in the area of online documentation, single source publishing, XML, and DITA and has written and published many books on software documentation, and for many years has advised publishing houses and professional associations in the field technical documentation.
Dr. Zygmunt Drazek
Zygmunt Drazek is the head of Decision Support Systems Department at the Faculty of Economics and Management at the University of Szczecin. Master of Physics, Ph.D. in management, habilitation in business informatics and the professor title received from The President of the Republic of Poland on request of the Institute of Organization and Management in the Industry in Warsaw, form the basis of his expanded activities. He was academic visitor in the Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung at ETH Zürich, visiting professor in several universities in Germany, chairman of the Senate committee at the University of Szczecin, and the Deputy Dean of the Faculty.
Among his research interests are the use of information technology tools for decision support, teamwork, knowledge transfer, and communication. His practical experiences include implementing e-learning at the University of Szczecin and participating in several international projects, e.g. BalticMuseums 2.0.
Dr. Jan Engberg
Jan Engberg is Professor of Knowledge Communication at the Department Business Communication, School of Business and Social Sciences, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
His main areas of research interest are the study of texts and genres in the academic field, cognitive aspects of domain specific discourse and the relations between specialised knowledge and text formulation as well as basic aspects of communication in domain-specific settings. His research is focused upon communication and translation in the field of law. He is especially interested in the links between the knowledge of individuals and conceptual meaning in fields of specialized communication and the implications of these links for the way we conceptualize meaning. Furthermore, he is co-editor of the international journal Fachsprache and member of the editorial or advisory boards of a substantial number of international scholarly journals.
Dr. Voichita Ghenghea
Voichita Alexandra Ghenghea is Associate Professor of German for Science & Technology, Professional Communication, Public Relations and Technical Documentation at the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest. Her publications include such volumes as Verbal and nonverbal elements in specialized texts, Reading comprehension in teaching German as a Foreign Language, German for science and technology, Intelligibility of Scientific Texts and of Technical Documentation and articles and studies in scholarly journals, e.g. The role of formalized visual aids in specialized texts, The role of symbolic-mathematical code in scientific and technical German texts, Technical Documentation - a salient feature in the training of future engineers, Knowledge transfer in Technical Communication etc.
Dr. Joyce Karreman
Joyce Karreman is an assistant professor of technical communication at the University of Twente, faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social sciences. She received her PhD in technical communication from this university.
Her research interests include the design of instructive documents, user-centered design, and intercultural issues related to usability & user experience. She has presented her work at international conferences on technical and professional communication and has published in several journals, including Technical Communication and IEEE Transactions in Professional Communication.
She teaches courses in the bachelor and master programs of communication sciences on document design, user-centered design, user support and the design of instructions. Apart from that, she supervises students who are doing research to finish their bachelor or master degree.
Dr. Birgitta Meex
Birgitta Meex is an Assistant Professor of German and Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Arts, Subfaculty of Language and Communication of the University of Leuven in Antwerp.
She received her PhD in German Linguistics from the University of Leuven in 2001. She is a certified trainer in Technical Communication (tekom) and is actively engaged in tekom Belgium.
Her research is inspired by the desire to incorporate the disciplines of discourse analysis and cognitive linguistics.
She has published research articles in the fields of cognitive semantics, corporate communication as well as technical and medical communication.
Prof. Dr. Patricia Minacori
Patricia Minacori is teacher and director of the Technical Communication Apprenticeship programs at Paris Diderot University. She is responsible for the curriculum design of the technical communication programs. Her research covers complexity in technical communication and translation. A graduate from the ESIT Paris School of Translation, Patricia Minacori has over 20 years of experience in translation.
Julia Müller
Julia Müller finished her bachelor degree in Culture and Media Education with a research project in the USA on e-learning in higher education. At tekom/tcworld she is responsible for the development and maintenance of TCTrainNet and its learning material. TCTrainNet is tcworld's international online training program for technical communicators (technical writers).
Besides, she is also involved in the process of the tekom certification examinations for technical writers in Germany. Currently she is studying an extra occupational master program in Educational Media.
Anke Neytchev
With a background in international business studies Anke Neytchev is responsible at tekom for university relations in Germany and other European countries; promoting the profession and study programs in the area of technical communication.
Among other things she organizes the European academic colloquium, regular meetings for teachers and professors, events for students and a student competition.
She is also managing the association’s existing and future country organizations in Europe (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Turkey). This includes event organization in the area of technical communication, roadshows, network-building, awareness-creation for the profession, support of volunteers.
Dr. Daniela Straub
Daniela Straub, PhD in Psychology, thesis on eLearning
- Project manager and co-author of several studies on information management and terminology
- Consultant background
- Former member of the core and reference group of ICT for the ESCO-project
- Subcontractor of tekom Deutschland responsible for relaunch and accreditation of tekom certification scheme for technical communicators (technical writers)
- Facilitator of working groups composed of representatives from the industry